April 10, 2001


Search engines have been trying to improve on themselves for years now. It's an inexact science, to be sure.

While perusing my referrer logs, I came across some interesting searches that people had done in order to find my site. Some of them made sense:

Engine: Google (via Yahoo)
Search: gaelic translator
Ranking: 3

Engine: Google (via Yahoo)
Search: random name generator
Ranking: 4

Others are a little harder to understand:

Engine: Altavista
Search: "i just want to use your love tonight"
Ranking: 1

Engine: Altavista
Search: tears of a clown "English Beat"
Ranking: 1

Somewhere in a small dark office, crowded with cityscapes of empty coke cans and discarded twinkie wrappers, a search engine database manager is smirking.