May 1, 2001

May 1st - So Soon?

Well, Sam was right.

When I signed up to take part in the May 1st Reboot, she e-mailed me saying I'd never get it done in time. There had been various failed attempts by me to redesign this site over the last year, and this would be no different.

I soldiered on, thinking that I would get a flash of inspiration any minute now, leading to a groundbreaking new wave in Web Design.

Well, amongst the concerns of my company losing it's religion, the looming tax deadline (I managed to get my return to the tax office 8 minutes before midnight), the playoffs and that damned Black and White, inspiration just didn't strike.

So, I slapped together a different look, spending a lavish 30 minutes working on it. You can tell, can't you?

Next time, I'll listen to Sam.