Resolution Time
Everyone makes resolutions for the new year and I'm no different. Here are some of mine:- Lose some weight
- Eat better. Not starving myself thin, no watercress salads 3 times a day, not the 'Zone Diet', nothing like that. Simply choose better foods and eat regularly.
- Get more exercise. In any form, but I must increase my level of physical activity. Having a desk job is murder on your physique.
- Learn everything in this book I got myself for Christmas.
- Take a photography class. Okay, this might be a ringer as I already signed up for one. But I've always wanted to refine my knowledge of the finer details. This year, I shall.
- Try to be less critical of others. I'll admit, this may be difficult.
- Try to be less critical of myself. This will be the hardest by far.
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