December 31, 2001

Happy New Year!

I'm off to Whistler for New Year's Eve. Which should be fun.

Except I just received a phone call that the house I am staying at is going to have more than 20 people. Most of them have already arrived, so it looks like I will be sleeping on the stairs.

I almost jammed out at that point in time, making me realize that I really am not the party animal I used to be.

Wait, was I ever a party animal?

December 27, 2001

Mirror Project

One of the benefits of having a brand new digital camera: I am now a member of The Mirror Project.

Number 3430 to be exact.

December 25, 2001

Nollaig Chridheil Huibh!

That would be Merry Christmas in Scots Gaelic.

I hope the Holiday Season has been a good time for you all.

December 23, 2001

First G2 Shots

I seem to still be learning that low light photography isn't quite as easy as the mid-day kind.

I need to remember that when it comes to focus, as you will see by the first shots I took with my new Canon G2 Digital Camera.

(* Warning, the images in this collection are very large)

December 20, 2001

New Season

Living in Vancouver certainly has it's advantages.

Like having a great snowboarding mountain right in the city.

December 17, 2001

One Pissed Off Plant

I love Bob the Angry Flower

December 14, 2001

A Decade on the Internet

Long after I was part of the "modem crowd" here in Vancouver, a friend of mine opened up an Internet account that was shared among a few friends.

We would request access to various groups and, once a day, he would download those groups to his system for our perusal.

Sometime before Febrary 8th, 1992, I posted for the first time. You can only see the response to my query on soc.culture.celtic, so I would guess I posted a day or two before that.

You can also see my old pseudonym El Loco in my e-mail address as well as TZ, which referred to the bulletin board system, Twilight Zone, where we would call into to read our messages.

Want to search for your earliest entries? Find them in the Groups Archive on Google.

December 12, 2001

Transit Winners

I have received a number of additional items to add to the Transit Loser list, but today was a good day for Vancouver Transit.

As the bus pulled up, I noticed the guy in the driver's seat looked familiar: big white beard, large belly and red suit. Santa!

I was one of the first people on the bus (I know how to stand in line, thanks) and once I found my seat, I watched as the rest of the people got on the bus. It was remarkable to see how many people smiled. Many said "Hi, Santa!" or looked up and paused with a suprised look after rummaging around in their purse or pocket for change.

The mood on the bus was certainly cheery as the bus drove on, almost like it was a charter and we were all going to the same place.

Each stop was fun, people would look up as the bus arrived and their face would change from that urban emotionlessness to one of recognition.

It was fun.

Transit Losers

I have a serious problem with Transit Losers.

They come in many forms, but I have itemized the top three idiots:

  1. Seat Savers: People who sit on the aisle seat, with their bag/backpack or imaginary friend taking up the other seat. Most of them stare straight ahead, ignoring everyone who passes by. Not such a big deal when the bus is near empty, but hugely aggravating when it is near full.

  2. Space Hoarders: All the seats are taken, so the remaining people must stand. Then some idiot stops halfway down the bus or train, with 20 or more feet behind them while the front of the bus is packed tighter than a sardine can. These losers seem deaf to the repeated from the driver to "Move back please!"

  3. Door Clogs: People who stand right next to the exit/entrance doors, but don't actually get off the bus/train. Here in Vancouver, we have the SkyTrain, which has 2 doors. Frequently people stand right at the doors, so that when the train stops at the station, only 1 or 2 people at a time can get off/on the train. Causes major congestion and bustling. In some cases, people trying to get on can't do so before the train leaves.
Any more?

December 5, 2001

Back From the Dead

After a 7 month hiatus, AppleInsider is back with a new rumour: Flat-panel iMacs.

If this story is true, I may finally decide to join the Steve Jobs cult.